Loudermilk Homes | Custom Home Builder Atlanta

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Loudermilk Homes Featured on Buildertrend Podcast

On the third episode of our COVID-19 series on “The Building Code,” Paul is joined by Paul Ledet of Chris Ledet Homes in Thibodaux, La., Sherwin Loudermilk of Loudermilk Homes in Atlanta and Jason Dell of Bold Construction in Chapel Hill, N.C. to talk about their experiences of managing business with COVID-19 in the Southeast region of the United States.

Listen to the full episode to hear more about their company stories and what changes they’re seeing due to the pandemic.

How have your clients’ mindsets changed due to the pandemic?

“We’ve had a really good year despite everything. Interest rates were a really big part of that. I don’t know what you call it, but we’ve had a lot of people who sat on their money forever and didn’t pursue their dream. Whatever the pandemic did to people psychologically, a lot of them are now in the mindset of let’s do it. We need to just do this project. I think it’s been a huge eye opener for people who were sitting on projects. It’s like we need to do it now.” – Paul Ledet

“The mindset of our clientele has certainly changed. We’ve seen people moving away from urban areas, not only regionally, but even locally. People are moving out of the town of Chapel Hill and out into the next county over. They’re wanting more land. They’re wanting right-size homes, so they want every room to make sense and they want to use every room. They’re putting more money into less square footage. And the biggest change we’ve seen is people focusing on their indoor, outdoor living.” – Jason Dell

How is Buildertrend helping you during this time?

“I had this guy contact me because he’s transferring from another state. I’ve never met him in person, but had a couple Zoom calls with him. I shared my screen and explained Buildertrend to him. He’s concerned because he can’t move down here and can’t come down here until September, so he’s not going to be able to be here for the project. Long story short, Buildertrend was a huge asset for me in that regard. I just think it’s cool that I’ve never met the guy, but he saw our process through some Zoom calls and he’s confident that we can pull it off and get his house done correctly. The transparency’s going to be amazing for them.” – Paul Ledet

“We’re very heavy on pre-construction, which means we have almost all selections made and bought out before we put the first shovel in the ground. But in doing that, we have a lot of planning and organization using Buildertrend for most of what we do. That results in us being able to have a shorter construction timeframe because we’re so organized on the backend. Buildertrend is part of my success. We’re using the tool as a function of how we run our day-to-day business. Everybody is interconnected with it.” – Sherwin Loudermilk

“We certainly couldn’t do it without Buildertrend. Having Buildertrend for out-of-town clients has always been a dream for them. They’re able to check in and see how their jobs are going. And in the COVID-19 climate, we’ve had multiple clients from out of town who have not been able to visit their house. Buildertrend’s been a big help in making sure they know what’s going on and are comfortable with moving forward without actually getting their hands on the home.” – Jason Dell

Links and more

Check out these builders on their websites and social:

Chris Ledet Homes

Loudermilk Homes

Bold Construction

Get signed up for IBSx, the 2021 virtual International Builders’ Show.

The Better Way, a podcast by Buildertrend:

Looking to improve how your team plans projects with the world’s No. 1 construction management software? Pick up Buildertrend project planning pro tips on the newest season of “The Better Way, a podcast by Buildertrend.” Subscribe and stream all of these bingeable episodes on your favorite listening app now.

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